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The Courtney Sanders Show

May 26, 2021

Do you struggle with leveling up your life and your business because you think that being a woman in color hinders you to be in the level-up community? Do you feel like a little left out of the luxury market because of your race or skin color? In today's episode, we share the facts about how black women can embrace luxury life, even how we can contribute to the business community! If you're tired of just dreaming of living in luxury as a woman in color and you want to live an invaluable life, make sure you listen to this episode!
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Mentioned in this episode:

The Level Up Life Channel: Join my second YouTube channel all about Feminine Lifestyle:

Related Episodes:

065: How to Operate in Your Feminine Power
035: Grace vs. Grind Revisited with Ashley Empowers

Want to know the system I used to rapidly grow my business and quit my job? Find out more here: