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The Courtney Sanders Show

Jun 25, 2019

Coming up with and sticking to a route can be a hard task. We strive for perfection in our routines, causing us to fail and be unsuccessful.

Being a new mom, in a new city, I also had to come up with a new routine for my day-to-day life. Having my routine in place has helped me to achieve my goals.

If you’ve tried...

Jun 18, 2019

“Practice makes perfect” is the old cliche that we’ve all grown accustomed to. I’ve decided to adopt the new mindset that “progress makes perfect.” In today’s episode, I talk about five practical ways to make progress without feeling like you’re simultaneously taking steps backwards.

Mentioned in this...

Jun 11, 2019

Many of you may have been waiting for an update of The Story of a Black Girl and Her Money. It's your lucky day. Today, I talk about my new outlook and journey to obtaining wealth. If you're ready to change your perspective on your business income, this episode is for you.

Mentioned in this episode:

The Story Of A Black...

Jun 4, 2019

How many times have you recited daily affirmations but did nothing to see them manifest? I used to live by my affirmations. Now, I’ve come up with other ways to become mentally tough. I had to train my mind to believe in myself.

If you need to train you mind to believe in yourself by developing mental toughness, this...